Wednesday, April 4, 2007

JCoen, JoLcn;, Jocye, Joyce, Joceyn, and Jocelyn

Thanks for all of the wonderful participation and entertainment. The reason you may feel funny about pointing out the mickeys is because, once again, you need to tell us where in disneyland the picture was taken, not where in the picture the mickey is found. On these golden 50 mickeys, the location is almost as obvious, however a little more meaningful. Keep it up, and try to slow down a little when you type your name, it may help:) ( maybe it is easier to just type JEXY!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the more detailed information for the clueless. I think that my name is just spelled weird and that is why I have a hard time typing it. I also am constatly signing my name wrong after I buy things. But thanks for the tip I will spell it very slowly.