Wednesday, February 28, 2007


you call him Dr. Jones Doll!!

can I have a snow cone?

he doesn't look so abominable to me

I said hands and arms inside!

I am bummed they took this one out. The skyway went from fantasy land to tomorrow land, thru Matterhorn.

Hollywood Tower Hotel

What a sweet ride, this is another great example of disney's close attention to detail.

In the future everyone is going to be riding one

Personally, I loved the TRON segment. I spent the last hour of a trip at disneyland asleep on this ride with David. The operator didn't wake us up because there was no one else on the ride.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Trivia Question #10, Correct

What is Walt Disney's middle name?
Named after his father, Elias Disney, a contractor, this window is on mainstreet

Trivia Question #9, Correct

Who sponsors Star Tours?

Trivia Question #8, Correct

What was the last ride that Walt Disney worked on before his death?

Hint: Dead men tell no tales...

Trivia Question #7, Correct

It happend on one of those zipadeedoodah days...

What Disney movie inspired the Splash Mountain ride?

Trivia Question #6, Correct

Beware, Beware, Beware!!!

What is a Heffalump and Woozle?
don't get too confuzled

Grow Old along with me

it is used to tell time by its shadow It might be fitting for this clock to have 13 numbers on it instead of 12

There is lawn and bricks too if you look close.

Good Job Al you get a gold star for research!! The phrase, "Grow old along with me! The best is yet to come." comes from a Robert Browning poem Rabbi ben Ezra which is a historical poem about another poet, Abraham Ibm Ezra. The phrase is often put on clocks suggesting that one grow old with father time, and to do so without a fight. The rest of the poem introduces the thought that good can only exist in the absence of good:

For thence,—a paradoxWhich comforts while it mocks,—Shall life succeed in that it seems to fail:What I aspired to be,And was not, comforts me:brute I might have been, but would not sink, I the scale

Good Job!!!

This is a footprint that was found during a matterhorn exploration in 1978 which interestingly is the year that the animatronic abominable snowmen were first featured on the ride.

what is half of free?

I guess I'll have to leave the explosives home this time...

Casey Jr. comin down the tracks

cool looking engine...

that's no moon... it's a space station

"I've got a bad feeling about this..." Good job Jocey, this is actually on the outside of Star Tours

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Trivia Question #5, Correct

What was Walt going to name Mickey Mouse?

Trivia Question #4, Correct

What was removed in order for Disneyland to be built?
Orange you glad they did?

Trivia Question #3, Correct

What is the fastest ride in Disneyland?

Hint: This is a trick question, think in terms of capability... Half of a Birail...

Trivia Question #2, Correct

What was Walt Disney's favorite ride at Disneyland?

Trivia Question #1, Correct

Who was the famous person, first to ride splash mountain?
Hint: He has been to camp, to the army, to jail, to Africa, and to school, He was scared stupid, and saved christmas. He died in 2000.

Do you remember this?

The ride opened up in 1995 and these were handed out to all of the people so that they would have something to do for the 3 hours on average that they would be standing in line amidst frequent breakdowns and as dad can attest, small caves with bad ventilation... Anyways, these babies go for about $25 on ebay if they are in good condition... I think I still have mine in a box somewhere, I would probably need to hire Indy himself to help me find it...

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Wildest Ride in the Wilderness

You are right, I used to love this ride for the sole fact that it had dinosaur bones in it

Good job Al

The anchor supposedly belongs to the ship of Jean Lafitte, a so-called gentleman pirate who cruised the waters surrounding New Orleans. He disappeared after his ship sunk off the coast of New Orleans after being hit by a hurricane. However there are myths that he did not die and that he used the storm and shipwreck as a chance to escape his criminal past as a slave trader and a pirate. There is a town named after him in Louisianna and the pirates ride starts off in Lafitte's Landing named for the pirate. The last line on the sign is, "don't believe everything you read."

Ya, Solo we can't hear you...

tiki god surf boards

Good Job Jocey

this is one of the shields on the sleaping beauty carosel

"can you stand on your head?"

one trippy cat...

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Our new Mickey Coat of Arms

We are going to put together some shirts so that this summer we can make complete fools out of ourselves. Here is the logo we are thinking about.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

This is no ride, it is work

Jocey had a bad experience on this one last time... Stupid girl scouts...


That will teach that wooden puppet that turned into a donkey to aspire towards becoming a real boy.

Tomorrow Land Fountain

this is where that huge marble ball rolls in the center of the fountain, Ever think about the germs that must be growin on that ball???

No Windows, No Doors

Is this room actually stretching?

scurvy water

where the pirates go to drink

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Grizzly Peak


not small enough

these poor frogs got so much of the song their heads popped off

a dimension of sound

you can almost see the hidden mickey. Poor folks.

Have you seen Nemo?

This ride got a little stinky... 40,000 leagues under the sea and very little fans for ventalation, somebody pull my finger

Temple of the Forbidden Eye

Not in the office, just in the line

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

If our Skull and Crossboned friend had gone to school...

Speech from the Skull and Crossbones in Standard English

Pardon me, hold on a minute. You have no time left to change your direction, dear companions, and there are pirates intent on theft moving stealthily in each cavern who would like to join you on your ship. Snuggle close to one another and do not put your red hands over the edge of the boat. This is the best advice for people who want to push back those who might want to pay you rent in exchange for a place to stay and food. Also, you should note what I say, dear companions, when I tell you that those males who are no longer alive are no good at telling stories. Ho, ho, ho.You have arrived looking for excitement and aging, saline-tainted pirates, yes? Well, you've sure come to the right place! However, I recommend that you refrain from closing your eyes and stare into the wind, dear companions, and use both hands to steady yourself, if you like. There are squirrels a short distance from here in the direction we are traveling, as well as a small locking storage cabinet belonging to the Monkees tambourine player who is waiting in anticipation of those who do not heed my advice. Ho, ho, ho.

Common English Pirates

The Pirates Theme Song in Standard English

Hooray, hooray, I prefer piracy as a profession.
We steal, steal, go through things, and steal,
Finish your drink happy fellow, hooray.
We relocate people and hold them against their will, molest, and pollute
Finish your drink happy fellow, hooray.
We demand protection money and steal, we steal and steal,

Finish your drink happy fellow, hooray.
Create wanton destruction, steal from our employers, and will even go so far as to take vehicles which do not belong to us,
Finish your drink happy fellow, hooray.
Hooray, hooray, I prefer piracy as a profession.
We prepare to set things on fire, burn them a little, burn them completely, and set them on fire,

Finish your drink happy fellow, hooray.
We completely burn down cities and look scary,
Finish your drink happy fellow, hooray.
We're friends of Alfalfa and untrustworthy, we are bad guys and jacks

Finish your drink happy fellow, hooray.
We're mythological creatures from the underworld and have dark wool, we're a spoiled picnic food,
Finish your drink happy fellow, hooray.
We ask for money for nothing and are generally held in low esteem and are irresponsible people without honor,

Finish your drink happy fellow, hooray.
And yet our parents still love us for some inexplicable reason
Finish your drink happy fellow, hooray.
Hooray, hooray, I prefer piracy as a profession.

I never knew that

This can be found near the big thunder ranch at the petting zoo. It really smells bad there so I have only been a couple of times...

Sleeping Beauty's castle

The very recognizable castle in the center of the park's entry way. The Coat of arms belongs to Walt Disney and the castle used to be a walk through ride with miniature scenes from the Sleeping beauty movie.

We can fly

Come on now, don't be to hasty, slow down and think which movie had a "BIG" clock in it. "BEN" should know which one it is...

Small world with big animals

Little known fact that before making it big with the pirate movies, Jonny Depp, whilst starring in Edward Scissorhands, hand fasioned all of the shrub animals on 'its a small world". Not really...


This is one of the signs on the walk way towards Grizzly Rapids in Cali Adventure.